ROS Rollentechnik Conveyor technology for the chemical and…
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Con­vey­or technology Chem­i­cal and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal industry 

To man­u­fac­ture its prod­ucts such as gyp­sum plas­ter­board, the chem­i­cal indus­try requires spe­cial machines that are capa­ble of car­ry­ing out mix­ing and cur­ing oper­a­tions on a large scale. The feed and dis­charge devices are equipped with rollers that are capa­ble of con­vey­ing the goods in both a lin­ear direc­tion as well as along curved sec­tions. The use of con­i­cal rollers makes con­vey­ing in curves pos­si­ble, where­by the desired curve radius can also be var­ied to a cer­tain extent. Our cus­tomer, a mid-sized com­pa­ny, was very con­cerned about choos­ing rollers based on a par­tic­u­lar­ly sta­ble design, which should also be low main­te­nance. This con­vey­or sys­tem can cre­ate gyp­sum plas­ter­board in the course of a very spe­cif­ic con­vey­or route. The man­u­fac­tur­ing process for these boards extends from the still vis­cous form of gyp­sum slur­ry to its com­plet­ed curing.

Prob­lems with the pro­duc­tion process

The gyp­sum slur­ry is placed on a sheet with a pre­cise­ly defined con­sis­ten­cy. The rea­son is that for the cured gyp­sum plas­ter­board to achieve its desired strength sub­se­quent­ly, the gyp­sum slur­ry must be shaped and flat­tened after being applied. After this, the vis­cous gyp­sum com­pound cov­ers a cer­tain dis­tance on a belt as it sets until the desired hard­ness has been achieved, and is then trimmed to the required dimen­sions. The trimmed boards are moved to a dri­er and stacked after drying.

The dust from the mate­r­i­al to be processed caus­es a sta­t­ic charge in the air dur­ing the pro­cess­ing and dry­ing oper­a­tions. Rollers may be con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by the dust and their func­tion­ing impaired.

The size of the long but still flat mate­r­i­al to be con­veyed, which is still part­ly under­go­ing the cur­ing process while being con­veyed, requires a lot of sen­si­tive han­dling, as it has to be con­veyed in a sta­ble form.

The time fac­tor is impor­tant when cur­ing gypsum

The con­vey­ing speed of the con­vey­or belt must be matched exact­ly to its length. The cur­ing process of the gyp­sum com­pound must be com­plet­ed before cut­ting at least to the extent that it will not dis­in­te­grate again before the cut­ting process. The dust that forms dur­ing the cur­ing and dry­ing process must not impair the func­tion­ing of the rollers prematurely.

When car­ry­ing out this cus­tomer order, the con­vey­or sys­tem was recon­fig­ured for the rollers. We used spe­cial series 27 rollers in this case.

These rollers with an out­er diam­e­ter of 88.9 mm have a dou­ble labyrinth seal, are suit­able for very heavy con­veyed items and come with splash and dust pro­tec­tion. The rollers were pro­vid­ed with a pow­der coat­ing, which gives them an anti­sta­t­ic effect and makes them con­duc­tive. Despite these spe­cial require­ments, we com­plet­ed this cus­tomer order using prod­ucts from our stan­dard range. Fol­low­ing pri­or coor­di­na­tion and expla­na­tion by the tech­ni­cal depart­ment, we were able to start the exten­sive con­ver­sion over a peri­od of six weeks.We do not pro­vide our cus­tomers with any ser­vice con­tracts for main­te­nance of our rollers, as we con­sid­er these are parts sub­ject to wear and tear. In return, we offer them con­tracts for pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing, which ensure short-term deliv­er­ies of new rollers in any quan­ti­ty in the event of dis­rup­tions to sup­plies. Our cus­tomers appre­ci­ate our prod­ucts very much, as they make a con­sid­er­able con­tri­bu­tion to increas­ing their effi­cien­cy. This means the over­all per­for­mance of a con­vey­or and trans­port sys­tem is enhanced. This becomes increas­ing­ly impor­tant for sys­tems with var­ied prod­ucts that are in some cas­es asso­ci­at­ed with par­tic­u­lar challenges.


The short-term and smooth han­dling of this cus­tomer order, which was asso­ci­at­ed with par­tic­u­lar chal­lenges, under­lines once again the great flex­i­bil­i­ty, with which we can respond appro­pri­ate­ly to com­plex sit­u­a­tions at short notice. We pro­vide our cus­tomers with ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik per­for­mance to the fullest extent. This cov­ers quot­ing, project man­age­ment, pro­cure­ment, a con­tract for pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing with firm­ly estab­lished quan­ti­ties and deliv­ery times along with coor­di­na­tion of deliv­ery sched­ules and for­ward­ing agents. This of course also includes spe­cial pack­ag­ing, in order to avoid trans­port damage.

Our cus­tomers thus receive from us a com­plete ser­vice, whose effec­tive­ness is also guar­an­teed and sup­port­ed by our exten­sive and com­pre­hen­sive ware­house sys­tem of rollers. It means we can pro­vide our cus­tomers with max­i­mum secu­ri­ty from dis­rup­tions to sup­plies of rollers for their con­vey­or systems.